Timber Dog Breed Standard

As we introduce foundation dogs over the next few years from other wolflike breeds ie. Northern Inuit, Tamaskan, and founder breeds such as; German Shepherd, Malamute and Husky, our dogs will vary in looks. Our aim is to have healthy wolf look alike dogs. The Timber Dog Club UK may also use wolfdogs with higher wolf content.

The following Breed Standard in which we are aiming for is below;

GENERAL APPEARANCE - A medium to large athletic dog with a forward flowing stride.

HEAD - The shape is a “wedge” and should reflect a top line sloping down towards the nose. The head strongly resembles that of the wolf.

MUZZLE - The muzzle is noticeably long, straight and moderately pointed with a strong jaw.

TEETH - Adults should possess a full set of 42 strong white evenly set teeth that meet in an even or scissor bite.

EARS - The ears should be erect and furred on the inside. They are small in comparison to the skull, cone shaped with rounded tips and sides.

EYES - The eyes should be alert, clear, almond shaped and obliquely set with corner lines intersecting towards the nose. Preferred colours are yellow to amber. Hazel to medium brown.

NOSE - The nose should be large, textured and moist. Black is the preferred colour.

NECK - The neck should be strong, long, graceful and well muscled. While standing the neck is extended upwards, so elevating the head and emphasizing an alert posture. It is usually carried lower when moving. Well furred from the cheek ruff through to the shoulders.

SHOULDERS - The shoulders are set close together at the withers and long with a slightly narrow view from the top. High mobility is essential during movement.

BACK - The back is long, well muscled yet flexible, with a level top line.

CHEST - The chest should be narrow.

FORELEGS - The forelegs should be straight, strong and parallel to each other.

THIGHS - The thighs and hindquarters are muscular with a powerful drive.

HOCKS - The hocks should be long, strong and well let down.

TAIL - The tail should be moderately low set, well furred (bush tailed). Bone not to be longer than the hock, carried low at rest - however may be carried higher when excited or on the move. Straight with a black tip. Silver and light coloured Timbers may have light tip but not white.

FEET - The feet are turned slightly outwards, large in proportion to the total size of the dog. Webbed Toes. Toenails strong and preferably black in colour.

MOVEMENT - Fluid, sound and flowing. Head down and loping gait acceptable. May appear slightly cow hocked.

COAT - The coat should be thick (double) with course guard hairs. Thicker round the neck with a prominent ruff.

COLOUR - The colour should be neutral, natural shades ranging from black phase through wolf-grey, sable to white phase. Well blended facial mask (on all but black and white phase).

SIZE - A large breed with a minimum height of 28” for males and 26“ for females, body length should be slightly longer than the height.

TEMPERAMENT - Can be aloof and reserved with strangers, but generally friendly and outgoing. They are highly pack orientated and get on well with other dogs and animals. Can be destructive if left unattended for any length of time due to separation anxiety issues. They bond with their human family pack, are loyal, loving and happy as long as they are with them.

All males should have two apparent normal testicles descended into the scrotum (It has been known for males to retain their testicles for up to 3 years of age)

Dogs are not to be penalised in the show ring for accidental scars.

A slow maturing breed that do not reach maturation and full weight until around 4 years of age.

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